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Showing posts from August, 2011

For the best managers what does they do to help their underlings and Co-Workers

Based on the wise words of MB I am writing this blog which should not be of technical relevance at all so if you were expecting something technical sorry to disappoint you, I have been reading a lot on this and here is some of what I have earned from reading J Ok now for what is to be said In any work environment there is a two distinctive class of employees, Top performers and strugglers , which of them should you spend more time with, how to treat your employees and co-workers, what should you get if you were to spend time with the top performers over the strugglers. Let’s talk about these and see how it goes from here. First , your top performers and your strugglers, who of them you should spend time with and why let’s take every choice and see what we get from each. Let’s start by spending more time with your strugglers and by that you would be seeking both or one of two things control or mentorship because they still need to be controlled and still need to learn. What...

Solved bad image format exception system.badimageformatexception

Ok, the reason you get this exception is because you are using an assembly that was generated in platform x and you are using it in a project with the platform y for instance using a project reference target platform 86 bit in a project that's build Platform is 64 bit to fix this you have to make the two projects with same target platform, you can get there by right clicking the project in the solution and then click properties and then choosing the target platform from there 

Unit Testing a Service Client Exception Could not find endpoint exception

I am going to be really simple and strait to the point here if you want to unit test a project that uses a service reference you must add the service as a service reference to the testing project with the  same configurations as the one in the project you are testing or else the exception above will fire in your face if you run the service

Writing Effective User stories Agile Scrum!!

Intro: A couple a weeks ago, I was assigned a task of writing user stories and it was quiet the challenge as I have no Business Analysis Experience and the cause of this task is to improve my skills in that area in specific so I ended up writing a good and effective user stories according to my lead and I have to take his words for sure, he is the guy with the 9+ years of experience so I decided to write a blog about it though it is not very technical but still a thing that I found really helpful despite the lack of code and of course less code equals less fun So let’s get it started shall we. The Three Cs: A User Story consists of three parts usually referred to as the three Cs “ C ard C onversation and C onfirmation” and they are pretty simple in matter of what they are let’s take them one by one. The Card: The first part of the user story, usually reffered to as the title of the user story it is a simple sentence that contains the main purpose of the user story and it should ...