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Entity Framework ( Database First Code First Model First)

When using Entity Framework there is probably three approaches you will follow

First is Database First

It is the simplest way you could use Entity framework is when you already have the database and you generate the model from it, using the entity frame work Generator which is  the custom Generator option file (though I would not recommend such action as this too coupled with the ORM, the best is to use a custom Generator tool such this  it is an awesome tool or you could simply write your own Generation tool  using T4). Not my personal favorite .

Second Model First

My Personal Favorite till very lately, Ok how it works? it starts with the EDMX file draw you model using the designer then afterwords you can generate the database from the model and also you can generate the POCO entities very easily not a lot  (see the link above for the generation tool) it is pretty much easy to use though it is a little missy as if the model or database changes you will have to change the model and then the POCO and so on.

Third and Last is the Code First 

My new personal favorite , it is the least manipulative you start with the POCO Entities and create your own Data Context everything is under your control the best part I like about it is that you don’t do anything with designer its all code. If I need to change anything I will change the code you code override the database changes and create the data base from scratch all from code.


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