Greetings readers I promised you in my previous post that I am gonna go a little bit deeper in the Bing map control and I will should more advanced scenarios and one is push pins, Basically I am going to tell you how you can add push pin to your map and also how to dynamically populate those push pins using binding Refer to my previous article Using bing maps part one for more details cause I am going build on it so if you ever feel that you don’t understand something just click the link and spend a few minutes reading it, I promise you it will prove worthy. First lets add a normal push pin to our map < Grid Background = " {StaticResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush} " > < bm : Map x:Name = " MyMap " Width = " 640 " Height = " 480 " Credentials = " {StaticResource BingMapsApiKey} " > < bm : Map.Children > < bm : Pushpin x:Name = ...
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