IOC Inversion of control Principle Series Intro This is the first article of a series targeting the deep understanding of what it means to IOC mostly using dependency injection, this will a really extensive study to what goes underneath the usage of a framework, so basically it is going to exceed the high level usage of a frame work such as Unity or Ninject, This will concentrate more on what goes under the hood and how does it communicate through the pipelines, This Article is An introduction to IOC. Intro It’s an infinite and everlasting purpose for us problem solvers to seek development practices and development techniques to lower the cost and increase the productivity of the problem solving principle, however terms of productivity, complexity, extendibility, maintainability and development cycle are not determined by how partitioned, abstracted or object implemented your application is. All these relay heavily on how these objects are coupled, integrated and ma...
Technical Tips on .NET Technologies, Xaml Xamarin