This is a short post in which i will explain how on Windows phone 8 to bind the application bar button or menu item, first this is only a fix for the BindableApplicationbar which supports windows phone 7 only, i just made it support windows 8 no features added or anything. i have uploaded the dll file here so it can be accessible easily here is the link to download now that you got the link lets check how we gonna use it you can refer to BinableApplicationbar or check out the code here that i actually used in my app and i already read it there ! Add a reference to the BindableApplicationBar library here is the link again Add XML namespace declaration in your page's XAML: xmlns : bar ="clr-namespace:BindableApplicationBar;assembly=BindableApplicationBar" Set Bindable.ApplicationBar property on your page code as in the snippet below: < phone : PhoneApplicationPage > ...
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